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Do you have a story to share, but don't know how to get started?

I can help!


Do you have a story that needs to be heard?

Do you need help developing your signature story?

Do you want to learn to share a difficult story without depressing your audience?

Do you need help finding the right audience for your message?

Do you need help organizing your thoughts and talk?

Are you currently a speaker that just needs a direction?



If you answered yes to any of these questions, fill out the contact form below 


Contact Us

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COACHING FEE: The price for speaker training varies depending on your timeline and goals. Coaching packages are customized to meet your unique situation. Whether you are looking to give a one-time presentation for an event or want ongoing coaching for a series of presentations or just would like to learn to tell YOUR STORY in an effective manner, we will work together to bring you confidence and make your presentations remarkable!

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